The Chinese name character “ 文” is associated with many prominent figures in Singapore. We have compiled a list of Chinese names of about 100 prominent figures in Singapore including political leaders, successful businessmen, educators and artists. For example, 惠 (hui) is a popular choice by many Singaporean parents for their baby girls, which implies kind, while 杰 (jie) is a common name for boys, which means outstanding. This is why parents will always want to select a Chinese name that are associated with such meanings and qualities.
Every parent has hopes for their children to possess certain desired traits such as integrity and hardworking, have a smooth journey in their lives and turn out to be successful individuals in the future. Do you know what are the popular Chinese names used by renowned and prominent persons in Singapore?Ĭhoosing a good Chinese name for their children is a way for parents to express their love and wishes for them.